black and white jacket away 1
black and white jacket away 1

FRANK is an Italian American residing in eastern Long Island. His family came to the United States so their children could have the opportunity they never had. In living out his family's American dream he pursued a career in education. He graduated in 1995 and began his career as a HS science teacher. In 1998 he received his MA and from 1998-2000 he earned 90 credits in educational pedagogy. In 2003 Frank became certified as a School Business and School District Administrator and quickly advanced to MS and HS principal in Hampton Bays, NY. In February 2006 his promising future came to a screeching halt.


After reporting potential child abuse in an educational setting, Frank was arrested and thrown in jail, and the Police Commissioner held a press conference to tell a national audience he was a terrorist masquerading as a principal. He lost his career, couldn't find employment for many years, was forced from his home into his car, and left for dead. That is, until a priest saved his life. With his support, Frank acted as his own attorney, uncovering the disturbing truth regarding his arrest, and recreated his life.


He's a principal again. Ironically he works with the judicial system and public school districts on Long Island, educating youths who have been arrested, kicked out of school, and need a second chance. In 2016 he became the host of a radio show and joined a not for profit that promotes racial harmony and assists youths in the growth of positive values. Frank has interviewed nationwide, spoken at colleges and universities, helped pass a Bill at the NYS Senate, and honored for his advocacy of those wrongfully convicted. Frank's story is included in a documentary which won a Humanitarian Award in 2018 and Best Feature Film in 2019. In 2022 he received a Legacy Award, given "to those inspirational people who empower communities by example and selfless contributions."


Frank's self representation has led to the upcoming civil trial, Frank Vetro v. the Suffolk County Police Dept. After a 17 year cover up they will finally have to answer for their malicious actions.


Frank authored Standing on Principal in hopes of spurring change and preventing future injustices. It melds the fictional Fatal Attraction with the real life Duke Lacrosse scandal. It's a first hand, well-documented account of a rogue system that underestimated the tenacious character of its accused as he refused to be intimidated by a political machine.